Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cupcake Excursion

I've been waiting for the Council to get back to me about my application and I believe there is about 14 days wait before I hear anything back from them, they sure are a busy bunch - getting a hold of them on the phone is actually quite difficult!

I've been pretty cooped up inside lately, I guess the cold rainy weather doesn't help me to get outside and explore. Dad is coming down from Sydney tomorrow so I've decided to hitch a ride back up there with him on Saturday and stay there for a few days. I haven't been to Sydney since last September when I attended Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within Seminar. It was certainly an experience to remember for the rest of my life. I remember when I walked into the Sydney Entertainment Centre with thousands and thousands of people standing up clapping and singing in unison, I was thinking in my head I just joined some kind of cult? This is bizarre. I was sitting next to a guy thinking the same thing. But after 15 mins or so we were both standing up and doing the same thing, and yes I loved every moment of it! The amazing part is that Tony has this unique gift to make a whole stadium full of people feel his energy, to feel excitement, to feel alive. All without the aid of alcohol or drugs.

The one thing I remember most from UPW was the goal I set for myself at that seminar. My goal was to have my own Cupcake business. I never would have dreamed that not even a year later, I'd be closer to my goal that I thought I would be. It may not be a cupcake shop but I do sell my cupcakes at the markets and do an occasional order here and there, so I'm getting there!

My dad was extremely pessimistic and skeptical of this seminar I was going to, thinking it was a scam and was a brainwashing scheme because I had paid so much money to attend it and also hearing my stories of "Dad, we get to stand up, sing & jump up and down..and walk on fire!!!". But before I went back to Melbourne, I gave him a copy of TR's Personal Power. I was pleasantly surprised when he called me up and told me that he was actually applying the methods in the book! He's a recruitment consultant that helps disabled people to find a job and he said that using those methods actually helped him to connect with them better which helped in motivating them to find a job.

Here's a clip of TR, I know that it may not be your cup of tea and a lot of people are skeptical of him but if you just open your mind for a few minutes and take in what he says, it might change your life. I know that mine certainly has. I believe that anything is achievable, if you persist.

So yes a little off track but what I wanted to blog about was that I'm planning to try some cupcakes whilst I'm over in Sydney as they have so many cupcake bakeries and shops over there. I want to visit these shops and enjoy each different cupcake experience, I think it will help me visualise how I would like my customers to feel when they visit my cupcake shop one day. I also know that I'm not the best cupcake baker in the world and probably only a beginner compared to those who have had years of experience so by tasting real cupcakes (not from your local bakery) I can know how far I need to go to perfect my cupcakes. I might do a short review on each of the places I visit and you guys can tell me your thoughts too!

Cupcake Excursion Destinations:
- My Little Cupcake
62 Ben Boyd Road, Neutral Bay,NSW 2089
- The Cupcake Bakery
438 Oxford St Paddington NSW 2021
- Sparkle Cupcakery
132 Foveaux St, Surry Hills NSW
- Cupcakes on Pitt
61 York St, Sydney, NSW 2000

Here's a small twitpic from my new 3GS iPhone, follow me on twitter to get constant updates on my adventures.

Monika's cupcake order that she just picked up. Hope you like... on Twitpic

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